Smart Workers of the World Unite--Einsoph is seeking the Best & Brightest
If you’re now in a company where individual success and excellence are all but forbidden and no longer seen as assets, and as Ayn Rand clarified, “they’ll accept anything except a man who stands alone. They recognize him at once. By instinct. There’s a special insidious kind of hatred for him…the independent man kills them—because they don't exist within him and that’s the only existence they know.” Walk away! And join Einsoph.
Steve Jobs said he was “unemployable,” Elon Musk said he “had to start his own firm, because absolutely nobody would hire him” despite his long and repeated effort. Einstein “managed to become the only person graduating in his [class] who was not offered a job” despite his all-out effort for “an astonishing nine years after his graduation… and four years after the miracle year in which he … upended physics, before he would be offered a job as a junior professor.” Even after he “upended the concept of space and time, and produced what would become science’s best known equation…Einstein had hoped…[that] would lift him from the obscurity of a third-class patent examiner” (a job a friend obtained for him) and provide…an academic job. But he was bitterly disappointed.” When he applied for a position at the University of Bern “with his application Einstein enclosed seventeen papers he had published including the ones on relativity and light quanta.” He was not hired. All the professors except one said no. Einstein became so desperate “he had begun, believe it or not, to seek work as a high school teacher.” He enclosed in the application “all of the papers he had written thus far, including the Special Theory of Relativity. There were twenty-one applicants. Einstein did not even make the list of three finalists.” Also for the Nobel Prize Einstein was past over year-after-year for a decade after his theory of relativity, and he would never receive a Nobel Prize “for his work on relativity and gravitation, nor for anything other than the photoelectric effect. In addition, Einstein had to suffer the humiliation of a professor of ophthalmology being assigned by the Nobel committee the task of evaluating and writing the critique of Einstein’s theory of relativity, and in 1920 the Nobel prize going instead to a modest method of standard measures (Walter Isaacson pgs. 54-63, 140-149, 312-314).
If you are a scientist with revolutionary ideas, or a functional programmer, or a Ph.D level mathematician, being blocked from your potential, join Einsoph where you can grow and where you can create something positive. Write us and we will find a place for you! If you’re an A, and now find yourself in a world that hires only C’s, because A’s hire A’s and B’s hire C’s, then walk away and join Einsoph.
Big tech has ceased to be creative, and has resorted to merely being dominant. They censor independent minds, thought, and even science—the very definition of fascism. Leave them! You need to make a decision if you want to stay with companies engaged in censorship, because we all know from history where that leads. If you feel you're on the wrong team, join Einsoph today.
Einsoph is Now Seeking Rebels
Einsoph has assembled a team of geniuses who epitomize Steve Job’s slogan “Think Different…because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Are you one of the rebels who are not fond of rules or the status quo, innovative, brilliant, free thinking, a risk taker, a hero? As Steve said, “The most creative people I know are often the ones who have a hell-raiser trait in them.” Einsoph’s team of exclusively A players has three revolutionary designs at various stages of completion, and is looking for those who think they can change the world: Einsoph's Designs
Einsoph is currently looking for a world-class lead functional programming master combined with a PhD level mathematician to join us on a vested-shares basis or possibly a salary-plus vested shares basis.
If you are interested in joining us, email your resume to with the subject line “Position with Einsoph.”