As seen on the TV series, Island Hunters (obtain Island Hunters on Amazon Prime, Season 3, Episode 2, "An A-Fjord-able Island"). The founder searched the entire world for two years and over 30 countries to find a site like Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Water where we can build NOT on top of the waterfall like Salish Lodge, or alongside it, but literally on a flat platform ABOVE the waterfall so it looks like it is floating in the air above the waterfall like Wright’s masterpiece!
The Building Site Has No Equal Anywhere in the Entire World! The private island is endowed with an extremely rare geological formation. Our idea is to use this unusual formation, that the founder could not find anywhere else in the world, where there is a perfectly flat granite platform (large enough for the entire project) directly above the center of this waterfall that plunges directly into the ocean, and build something better than FallingWater. This perfectly flat shelf is seemingly cut out of solid granite on a steep slope such as those few sites in the world where castles now sit. How is a platform over the center of the waterfall possible? The river makes an unseen sharp right turn above the waterfall, leaving an unseen flat shelf directly above the waterfall. The change from steep slope to perfectly flat solid granite platform then abruptly back to steep slope is very abrupt with the transition occurring within a few feet of space. Our architect Antoine Predock suggested "massively cantilevering” off of the totally flat solid granite area, and have the building floating in the air over the waterfall to the right of this webpage.
The founder has all the permits including environmental and zoning for a scientific resort. The site is perfect for an ultra-secure, private-island, scientific-research center—an incubator for the sciences that is the base of operations in resource-rich Chilean Patagonia. We will use some revenues from the water to fund the scientific research.
We will lure leading scientists by invitation only, to a dream setting of waterfalls, advanced architecture, and spectacular vistas that Socrates would envy. It will be a scientific think-tank; it will be a Round Table for scientific research with cutting-edge research facilities outfitted with scientific equipment. Scientists will be chosen and brought in by invitation only—a few of the most promising scientists that are of most interest to us.